Relearn Code: VW-4

Relearn Procedures: Relearn Following Tire Rotation/Replacement

1. Inflate all tires to pressure indicated on tire placard.
2. Apply parking brake and turn ignition to the ON position (engine off)
3. Hold SET (or ESP) button (located next to gear shift) until audio signal is heard. Audio signal confirms successful relearn.

**If unsuccessful, proceed with the VW-1 relearn procedure.

Relearn Code: VW-1

Relearn Procedures: Relearn Following Tire Rotation/Replacement

1. Inflate all tires to pressure indicated on tire placard.
2. Turn ignition to ON position (engine off)
3. Enter the information center setup menu and select TIRE PRESSURE.
4. Select store.
5. SYSTEM LEARNING will appear on the display and disappear after several minutes of driving.

Relearn Following Sensor Replacement

1. Inflate all tires to pressure indicated on tire placard.
2. Apply parking brake.
3. Vehicle needs to stand for 20 minutes in order for control module to enter learn mode.
4. Drive vehicle above 16 mph to register sensor IDs.